Tuesday, 30 April 2013

New babies in the house

There's nothing that brings excitement into a church more than new life in Christ.

And, wonderful to report, we have had four such events in the last six months. As far as can be seen, genuine conversions, all of which are being actively followed up with people discipling them. Just wonderful.

Each of the four are people that we have contacted through CAP (see previous blog entry). W£e are now "in the lives" of so many people who we would normally not have contacted.

There is no shortage of challenge and potential to be discouraged. but God is at work. And it's amazing to be a part of it.

Next stop Alpha (starts 13 May)

Monday, 22 April 2013

Rewards for good works

It intrigues me how often Christians are reluctant to talk about the possibility of rewards in heaven. it has almost become one of those taboo subjects...maybe because we think it may impinge on the view that salvation is given us as a gift. it doesn't of course, nor does it impinge on us being "unprofitable servants". It is in fact thoroughly Biblical.

The new Testament is full of promises of rewards in heaven for those who have served well. Just read the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5 -7) and you'll see what I mean.

So I was encouraged to read this item:


God loves to reward us. To deny it is to deny the generosity and justice of our wonderful Father.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

It must be hard to be an atheist

I've been trying to be empathetic. That is, I'm trying to understand how good (in human terms) intelligent people can form an honest view that there is no God. To be honest I struggle. I have never been able to see the case for atheism, and this probably puts me at a real disadvantage when I discuss with them.

But I know many wonderful people who would call themselves atheists and whose compassion, integrity and virtue puts some Christians to shame. So I hope the argument can be won with logic and reason. Anyway, here is an excellent article about someone who took the journey from atheist to Christian, forced there by the sheer power of reason:


Monday, 15 April 2013

God Bless CAP

Once a month we have a prayer time at our house for the work of the Christians Against Poverty ("CAP") Centre that we have here in Poole.

Last night I found it a particularly exhilarating time. Lives are being changed, people are coming to faith, Christians are working together, families - some of the most needy I have ever heard of in this country - are being delivered from the crushing burden of debt in a way that is just and righteous, to both them and their creditors.

Nothing happens as quickly or dramatically as some of us would like. We've only just started and there is so much still to do. But as Isaiah says:

"if you pour yourself out for the hungry
and satisfy the desire of the afflicted,
then shall your light rise in the darkness
and your gloom be as the noonday." (Is 58:10)
The day we joined ourselves to the work of CAP - started 16 years ago by John Kirkby in Bradford with £10 - was a day that took a giant step forward in our desire to be a church that has a real impact on the community, touching the lost with a genuine high-quality answer to their physical and spiritual needs.
Poole Christian Fellowship and CAP - a marriage made in heaven. Thank you God, and thank you CAP.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Why the resurrection matters

Here's a super little article about the resurrection that spells out in great clarity why both the death and resurrection of Jesus are an indispensable  part of the gospel.

Nothing really new in there, but when old truths are expressed in new clarity it's worth noting.

This comes from the Creation.com stable which I know some people struggle with...but don't let that influence what is really helpful article...wish I'd read it before I spoke on Easter Sunday :)

Resurrection article

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Being Changed...

One of the more unsettling things about the Christian life and  especially Christian ministry is that God's priorities are not always mine.

My priorities tend to be around God working through me and others to build the best church in town. God's priorities? - my transformation into the likeness of  Christ. aaarrrgghhh!

Been reading "Renovation of the Heart" by Dallas Willard where he spells out the priority, necessity and the process of being transformed by God. Really helpful understanding of the practical way that this can happen and the steps we need to go through to allow God to do his  work. The irony is that once we adopt God's priorities, we become vessels that  are more fitted to do the work we love - working with Jesus to build his church.

Not an easy book to read or apply and not one for the faint-hearted, but certainly one to challenge and change us.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Children and Youthworker

PCF is on the look out for a full time Children and Youthworker to start 1 September 2013.

Really good to see the church getting together to pray and to get behind it on Sunday evening.
As always there is a need to do what we can, to run the most professional, transparent, honest and righteous process that we can...but in the end it is only God who can find us the right person, and help that person to succeed in what will be a really challenging role.

The opportunities that this will bring us are enormous, as we continue our journey to become a missional community, dedicated to knowing Jesus and making Him known. But as always we are completely dependent on Him as we seek to move forward together.

If you are reading this and you are interested, or you known someone who may be interested...please follow this link:


...and feel free to re-post

Welcome to my blog...

Everyone seems to be at it...so I am joining the world of the blogger.

Just to give this a go...here will appear the rambling thoughts of a 54 year old church minister. Hopefully there will be things here to challenge, encourage, provoke and stimulate thought.

I hope you enjoy it.